Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Evolution of Opie’s sleeping habits – on his back and then his belly!

Hi fellow bloggers,

I’ve noticed a lot of people are interested in why I like to sleep on my back! My mom wrote a rather long blog post about it back in 2010. (Why does my dog sleep on his back?)

 It’s one of the most popular blog posts! Check out the side bar on the left, it’s usually listed as something that people are still reading!

I have my own take on why I slept so often on my back when she got me and why I sleep quite rarely on my back now.

First, here are my reasons why I slept on my back in the past.

Reason #1: Quite frankly, I was exhausted! I was totally stressed out. I had been to numerous homes before I finally got to Mama, Daddy and the boys. I was a little nervous. When they gave me a cool new bed, and tons of tummy rubs, I couldn’t help but drift off into a contented slumber in whatever position I happened to be in. Since I was always getting my belly rubbed, that position was my back.

Reason #2: The other reason that I slept on my back was to telecast that I understood my position in the pack. Hey, I was the new guy. I had to be submissive. I wasn’t too sure if Mama or Daddy was the alpha, but I knew I wasn’t. I think once I figured out the pecking order this reason ceased to be dominant.

I know the pecking order now. First, Daddy, then Mama and then me and … oh yes, my hu-brothers. Honestly, though, I have to admit sometimes I get demoted. Throwing up on Mama and Daddy’s bed will usually get me relegated to my bed on the floor. Of course the upside is that I usually get some magic cheese medicine after such an episode. However, I can also get a promotion. A few months back when Michael was sick at home from school. I was promoted to head nurse. My job was to keep Michael’s feet warm as he lay on the couch. That was a great job! I took a long nap in a prime spot and whether he knew it or not. He actually was keeping me warm!

Do I sleep on my back these days? Well not so often. My favorite position these days is to curl up in a tight ball, usually wedged between Mama and Daddy.

You see I start out at the foot of the bed and then later, when I detect some really heavy snoring breathing, then I tiptoe up to Mama and Daddy and wedge myself in between them. It’s a very cozy spot. My hu-brothers tell me that each of them has slept their over the years when they were little bitty. They still try and wedge themselves in on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Then I’ll admit there is a little power struggle that ensues. Unfortunately, they outweigh me. I usually end up back at the end of the bed.

Now back to snoozing on my back …..

I still do it but usually when one of the boys is playing a video game. Prime spot is right behind them on the couch wedged between one of their backsides and the back of the couch.

That’s a golden spot. It serves double duty. I am comfortably warm from the couch and their back ends and I can safeguard the bully stick that I’ve nosed into the couch crevice. I’m lying right on top of it. I can usually count on them sticking to this spot for about 30-40 minutes, sometimes longer if Mom and Dad aren’t paying attention to how long the boys are playing. LOL!

So I hope this answers your questions more fully about the back sleeping. In sum, I sleep on my back because I feel completely safe and secure. I’m with a pack that loves me. I know my place in it for the most part and that’s a great feeling.

If you ever see a dog sleeping on his back, you know that that dog is completely at ease. It’s a good thing!