Tag Archives: Opie cartoons

Happy Easter – Opie’s First Easter and ….

His First

Easter Egg


What the heck are these things – hmmmm?

I can’t quite figure this out… smells like….something….sweet!


Happy Easter!


Sunday Morning Snorkie Cartoons for the Pet Blogger

A Pet Bloggers Observations and Conclusions

Opie Ponders Leaking Oil Issue at His Favorite Dog Park

Hi All,

Opie here!

I’ve been getting into lots of trouble lately.  I can’t seem to control myself. I’ve figured out why,  though.  I’ve got too much EXCESS ENERGY.  Why do I have this excess? Well, I am  part Schnauzer, and I do need my OUTLETS!!!  I NEED MY DOG PARK BACK!

Mom was taking me to the dog park pretty regularly SEVERAL WEEKS ago but then that rotten, no good squirrel loving oil company had an accident in our DOG PARK, and it’s  been closed for over a month.  Mama says it’s supposed to reopen in another week or two, but look what damage they’ve caused!

I’ve gotten into trouble chewing stuff up,  and NOW I have to learn how to like this crate.  I kind of like it, but I like being free so much better.  I have too much energy to be left alone.  When I went to the dog park, I was good and exhausted. I played with my buddies!  The other dog park is BORING!  The humans don’t bring anybody to the park until LATE!  We have stuff to do when it’s late. I have to greet my boys and get belly rubs from them. I have to be HOME in the afternoon!

I’d really like to sink my teeth into some of those Oil company people who made a mess at my dog park. My mama always cleans up MY mess when we go on walks.  I think it’s just rude to make a mess, a BIG mess like that,  in someone’s dog park and take SO LONG to clean it up.  IT’S BEEN ALMOST TWO MONTHS!  I know what me and my friends would do to anyone we saw messing with our Dog park!   We would ALL participate! I am so STEAMED!

Doggy revenge against Oil Company Mess at Culver City Dog Park!