Tag Archives: dog dreams

Wordless Wednesday—A Snorkie’s HALO dreams

When the boys are shooting aliens

The best place to be is under the coffee table!

But sometimes I have funny dreams.

I am in the middle of a battlefield or….

Just call me Master Chief!


Ode to a Blue Donut and other Snorkie Poetry



Three Haikus on Blue Donuts and Soothing Baths


Blue donut collar

Hides my itchy bump from me.

When will all this stop?


A bath brings freedom.

Warm water soothes itchy bump.

Donut’s cast aside.


Blown dry silky smooth fur!

Oh No, the donut returns.

Freedom is short lived.


Ode to the Blue Donut


If you weren’t around my neck, I’d use you as a toy.

I’d chew and pound and roll on you and earn a strong “Good Boy!”

If you were free from my poor neck, I’d drag you to my crate,

I’d hide you with my bones and sticks until a later date.


But you are wrapped around my neck, linked firmly to my collar.

Your bulbous shape defeats my lick and makes me want to holler!

You’re with me in my waking hours and when I go to pee.

I dream of tearing you to shreds then licking at my knee.

One day I will be free of you, you blue inflated neck brace.

The squirrels no longer will be free to laugh right into my face.

I know you’re something that I need. I am resigned to it.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t wish you thrown into a pit.


That hope springs eternal is an often quoted phrase,

I hang my wishes on that line that freedom comes in days.



Why does my dog sleep on his back?

Over the week- I will be reprising a few blog posts for your enjoyment.  

This posting gets at least two or three hits a week since it’s was published.


Every dog I ever had slept either all curled up nose to tail, stretched out snout on paws, or laid out on his side,  paws parallel, like an outline of a dog.  I have never had a dog that slept on his back. I mean lying full on his spine with his legs splayed out, and his paws draped in a begging position.  Opie is a very odd fellow, indeed.  Michael says  he looks dead!  When I first saw him sleep like this, I’ll admit that I did look to make certain his chest was rising and falling in a normal manner.  He doesn’t stay in this position, but he stays that way for a good 10-15 minutes of sleep and then moves to a more traditional side sleeping position. 


Why does my dog sleep like this? Is it comfortable? 

 My grandmother had three Pekingese dogs when I was growing up. They lay briefly on their backs for belly rubs, but no more than a minute or two. They didn’t sleep like that.  My poodle Zsa Zsa  was no exception.  Prince I and Prince II — the german shepherds — exposed their bellies only for belly rubs.  No prolonged belly exposures for them!  They all slept in a more normal doggy fashion. 

I’ve been wondering why Opie does this.  I read somewhere that dogs cool themselves  when they lay on their bellies and splay out their feet. The ground is cool, and they can get some immediate relief from the heat.  Has Opie struck upon an alternative method of doggy air conditioning?  Right now, in L.A. the weather  is cool.  We live near the ocean and the breezes are always cool. Don’t hate us! It’s jacket or sweater weather in the morning and early evening.  Maybe Opie likes the ocean breezes on his little doggy tummy.  I wouldn’t be surprised. We’ve been dealing with doggy tummy issues for several days now. Perhaps, he needs a cooled off tummy. 

I did a tiny bit of internet research on this issue.  Looks like the air conditioning theory is sound.  But one other looks promising too.  Dogs, like people, have different phases of sleep.  Just like humans , to reach that deepest REM sleep, dogs and people must be completely relaxed.  When a dog sleeps on his back all of his muscles are relaxed. Nothing is tensed.  The dream state is a sure sign of pure relaxation.  

While Opie slept on his back last night, we all observed him paw the air, sniff some imaginary item, move his little mouth back and forth and even make a tiny “woof!” No doubt about it! He was dreaming! He was completely relaxed.   Evidently, according to the internet dog experts, Opie is not all that unique.  Indeed, his back sleeping is a sure sign of his comfort with the family. He is sleeping with his belly exposed. He doesn’t feel any anxiety.  Researchers say that dogs living in the wild never sleep on their backs because they are always in danger from a predator.  Obviously, Opie knows he’s not prey in this family, but those socks and sandals better watch out! 

Some writers say that this position is also a submission position, that he’s acknowledging his low position in the household.  We love Opie, but he is the low man on the totem pole.  I’ll give Cesar Milan credit from instilling the pack leader mentality into most of the humans in the house. We have to be dominant. We know that. Opie’s a plucky little guy and has already demonstrated that he’ll take over the whole shebang if we let him.  It’s not surprising that he demonstrates this status. However, we are not entirely sold on this submission idea. 

Most of the reading refers to the submission positions as something the dog consciously does.  To show submission a dog might  raises one paw or  flop down and turn his belly up to the dominant humans or dogs around. I saw this behavior last week at the dog park. A tiny little miniature poodlish Chihuahauish sort of dog flipped himself over and allowed a bunch of bigger dogs, Opie included, to sniff his soft underbelly.  I could read the thought bubble over this dog’s head. ” I’m submissive. You guys are the bosses, Please don’t eat me!”  That dog and every other dog I saw demonstrate similar behavior was wide awake.  I don’t think that Opie’s back sleeping is a true submission position. He’s not doing it consciously or in response to us. He’s asleep. The experts may disagree with me. That’s okay. I’m no expert, but it doesn’t seem the same.

When he flops down for a belly rub, he may be acknowledging his low man status in our pack, but I think he may really just want his belly rubbed. I think he’s begging for “lovin'” We supply it! So, who’s dominant now? The dog demanding a belly rub or the humans supplying them?

I tend to believe that Opie has acclimated himself to us. He’s good and comfortable with his belly exposure. He’s safe and happy and relaxed.   It’s so cool to see him resting so peacefully.  We tip toe around him when he’s sleeping like this. His puppy dreams are fun to watch.  No need to disturb him.  After all we should   “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.” 


Saturday Blog Hop — What if we had a FETCH A THON?

Hi All,

Opie here! You all must know that it’s sometimes hard being the only doggy in the house. The family goes off to some event and leaves you at home for hours. It is a little annoying to be left out of the fun, especially when it involves


My hu-brothers were at their school’s Hoop-a-thon! They raise money for their school by shooting lots of baskets. People pay by the basket! Last year they bought new uniforms for the teams and stuff like that.

 I wish I could have gone. I think I could make a basket. I can fly through the air and DUNK! Like a DUNKIN’ MACHINE!

I can nose dribble, and in a game I’m good at tripping up the other guy.

My hu-brothers agree that I have SPEED! AGILITY! HEART!


Maybe because I am such an AWESOME BUT

My hu- brother let me wear his Hoop-A-Thon Medal.

I think I look quite snazzy. Mama just needs to sew up the ribbon so that it will fit me properly. (I love the fact that I can probably chew the medal a little bit if it dangles down a bit, but don’t tell Michael that!)

Maybe we should have our own DOGGY–THON! I know some of you don’t have my MAD BASKETBALL SKILLS, so maybe we could make it something that every four legged FIDO can participate in. How about a Doggy FETCH-A-THON! We don’t have to limit it to Balls. It could be anything you like to fetch – balls, Frisbees, sock monkeys, stuffed squirrels. We could have it in a big green sunny dog park! Ahhhh! Sounds like heaven doesn’t it?

I’m going to talk to Mama about this. There are so many good causes to raise money for!

BEST OF ALL – we could have neat medals for our participation! And think of the treats!!!

What do you say doggers?

Gotta run! Michael wants to shoot some HOOPS with me! I have to be gentle and not beat him TOO badly. He  is my LITTLE hu-brother!

Grins and Licks Fellow Doggers!

Your Pal,


Snorkie Musings — Opie’s Thunderstorm Dreams!


 Do you every wonder what your dog is dreaming?