Tag Archives: Doggy Thanks

A Snorkie’s Thanksgiving Day Poem

By Opie, Snorkie Laureate of the house

The scents of autumn fill the air,

My nose is twitching for my share

Of delicious things that Mama makes-

Savory meats, veggies, tasty cakes.

It is that special time of year

When doggies all should stay quite near

When Mama or Daddy calls you close

Even if it is to give a dose

Of medicine for an itchy spot,

Or brush out the hairs that made a knot

Because after”Good Boy” will soon follow

Lovely things dogs love to swallow.

But I digress about the food

It puts me in such a mood

To recount the things for which I’m grateful.

So here we go … I have a plateful.

I give thanks for my family dear

Without whom I’d be prone to tear

And Sad, lonely — hungry too.

Thank you all for my rescue.

I am thankful also for all those folks

Who tire themselves trying to coax

Others to give deep and well

So other fur friend sadness they can quell,

And all the doggies and cats and things

Can find joy of home that parents bring

To loving pets who nuzzle and lick.

(Yes, I’m grateful as well, that I’m not sick.)

So, good home, good health and love are what I’m grateful for

And if I’d more time, I’d write some more,

But Happy Thanksgiving my Fur Friends.

Go eat some Turkey! This is the end!

Happy Thanksgiving!



What Thanksgiving Means to Me — A Rescued dog


I was born near the first of December. Very soon after that I was sent away.  I lived in a shelter for a while and then I got rescued.  This is my first Thanksgiving so I don’t really know what to expect.  Mama says that it is a time for family and friends and to reflect on our blessings, the things we are thankful for.  She also says I’ll get a very special dinner that day – very meaty! Yum I can’t wait!

Mama is making me make a list of everything I am thankful for.

Here goes:

I am thankful for Mama and Daddy who adopted me into this family – I love them to infinity and beyond!

I am thankful for my two boys, Gregory and Michael – I love them. I wish they’d let me play with their toys. Their stuff looks so chewable!

I am thankful for Randi who first rescued me. She runs Lhasa Apso Happy Homes Rescue. I’m not a Lhasa Apso, but she loved my ears, so she saved me!

A Lhasa Apso.

Image via Wikipedia


I am thankful to Barbara, my last foster mom. She was great.

I am thankful that Mama and Daddy let me into their bed at night. I get to sleep with them and it is so, so nice.

I am thankful for walks in the neighborhood – It’s my job to keep it free of squirrels.

I am thankful for a big backyard to play in and the play set that I can climb up into to bark more effectively at the squirrels.

The squirrel is a red blur at the top of the ivy covered wall. When I jump, I'm just a foot short of the top.

I am thankful that Mama doesn’t seem to care about the big hole I’m digging next to the rose bush.

I am thankful for my bully stick. I love my bully stick. I wish I had a better place to hide it.

I am thankful for the ivy under the Ficus tree. I love that smelly stuff I roll in there. (I am not grateful for all the doggy deodorizer and doggy wipes mom uses on me when I do this.  I am also not grateful to the groomer. I hate having baths, and being clipped and brushed and being away from my family for so long. I hate it, hate it, hate it! )

I am thankful for my breakfast and my dinner. (Even though I wish I could have some of that ham and sausage Mama cooks on the weekend!)

I am thankful for the couch.  Need I say more?

I am thankful for the dining room table and boys who leave lots of crumbs.

Opie Crate Free and all over the furniture!

I am thankful for treats like dried chicken – I love that stuff!

I am thankful that Michael seems to drop lots of food off his plate under the table.

I am thankful for my Hedge hog toys – big Hedgie and little Hedgie

I am thankful for my doggy friend Chewy who plays with me a little when we meet on our walks.

I am thankful that Chewy’s Dad doesn’t seem to mind when we wrap him up in our leashes. He’s really nice.

I am thankful that Gregory likes to run on his walks with me. We go fast!

I am thankful for ALL of my dog park friends even if I haven’t seen them in a long, long time.

Getting to know you, getting to know all about your, hmm, hmm.. cup of tea..

I am thankful for all my pet blog friends – Sage, Chewy, Stella and Bocci in particular!

I am thankful for the Culver City Bone Yard – my dog park. I wish it were fixed now, but I’ll be really glad to get back to it.

I am thankful for my crate because it’s comfortable and smells like all the treats I get when I go in to it.

I am thankful Mama hasn’t left me alone locked up in the crate yet for more than 10 minutes.  I miss Mama so much.

I am thankful that Mama seems to be a pushover.

I am thankful that Daddy forgave me for being mean to him when I first was adopted.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  He gives the best chin and tummy rubs and always lets me on the couch and in the bed.

Ball? What Ball?

I am thankful for a lot of things.

I am thankful for the life that I have.

It makes me sad to think of so many doggies who don’t have anything to be thankful for. They don’t have food or mamas or daddies who love them. They have a steel cage and are scared and alone.

I am thankful that so many people are working to make those dogs (and cat’s too,  I suppose) lives better. I am thankful for all the pet adoption organizations and people that run them.

I’d be even more thankful if more doggies could get Mamas and Daddys.  I think I’d like that a lot.

I am even thankful for squirrels, crows and the cats that cross my backyard – they make life interesting. I enjoy a good chase!

Mama was right – writing down the things I’m thankful for really makes me feel good and lucky.   Well, I heard Mom’s going shopping for a big Bird later.  I wonder if it’s a crow. I’ll let you know later.

In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving!

Your Pal,
