Tag Archives: pet rescue

Pet Rescue – LHM’s and Other Specific Breeds

Hi all,

Opie here!

As we near the end of my adoption anniversary month, pet rescue is on my mind. Mama ran into some people a few days ago who were looking for a dog. They wanted a specific breed. Mama wanted a specific breed too – LHM Loveable Hypoallergenic Mutt!

This is what this breed looks like with his full coat on.

LHM’s are frequently quite cute!

Here he is after a severe summer cut.

As you can imagine, we LHM’s have a variety of looks. With our many variations, we are probably one of the largest dog breeds in the world.

Here’s our recipe:

  • Take any hypoallergenic breed plus any other pure breed or LHM breed.
  • Add a lot of love and cuddling to your LHM’s puppyhood
  • Result — a “BONEY- FIDE”

I may have Mama petition the AKC to recognize our status. Who knows? We may be at the dog show next year!

(I know I can run around a carpet and earn treats as well as a Rhodesian Ridgeback!)

The folks that mom talked to last week were very precise about what breed they wanted.

They wanted a Vizsula.

I must say this Vizsula is a very good looking dog.

And I am certain that this breed has an “L” for LOVEABLE in its genetic code. (We can’t all be pure bred LHM’s – poor hound!)

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a specific dog breed. However, I worry that people might end up getting a dog from a puppy mill or some other undesirable place because they are breed specific. Mama and I thought it would be a good idea to do a quick blog about places that you can go to RESCUE
the particular dog you want.

Unfortunately, no dog breed is immune to bad owners, irresponsible breeders and rotten circumstances. You can probably find any sort of dog you want at a rescue or even the dog jail
pound shelter.

Where to start?

Anyway, here are some great websites we found where people can begin their search for Breed Specific

    • They say all breeds, but we saw a lot of information about greyhounds and whippets and other sight hounds. This place is local for those in Southern California. When you check out this site be sure and surf around. There was a great photo of some whippets all piled together in a ….wait for it, wait for it….DOG PILE!


  • Of course, the American Kennel Club has a big directory that you can look at as well. It’s alphabetized! Of course, they make all sorts of disclaimers about their list – not responsible, not necessarily accurate, not endorsed… GEEZ why’d you provide it in the first place? It’s a good place to start, I suppose. American Kennel Club ( http://www.akc.org/breeds/rescue.cfm )


  • All about Dogs and Cats has an extremely comprehensive directory for breed rescues and good advice on how to deal with breed specific rescue organizations. I like this site. They have a blog called Paw Prints that I’ll be visiting soon! So whether you live in Texas, California, Pennsylvania or Nevada, or pretty much any state in the Union, this website has a great list for you. I was very impressed.

(http://www.allaboutdogsandcats.com/Dogs/BreedRescue.html )

Another great dog breed!

There is one other great breed of dog out there for those of you looking.

The LM breeds (Loveable Mutt)! They are an even larger and more varied group than my beloved LHM breed!

Lots of rescues handle this sort of doggy – more rescues than I can possibly list!

Whatever dog you want, make certain that you have L genetic trait in your own make up!

We doggies don’t do well with Mamas and Daddy’s who are missing this gene.

But if you have LOVE in your heart and a good dose of R (Responsibility!), I think we might accept you as our furrever friends.

Well, fellow doggers!

Gotta run!

Mama has an excess of L to pass on to me via a tummy rub!

Your Pal,


Interview with a Texas “Dawg” – a Snorkie Report

Hi Everybody!


Opie Here!


As many of you know, my Mama and the boys are in Texas and a Texas dawg named Bogie usurped was invited to guest blog on MY BLOG!


I found it necessary to get on my doggie cell phone and talk to this Bogie person and find out the true scoop. What follows is a true transcript of our conversation. Bogie and I both have smart phones so some pictures were transmitted as well.



Opie: Hello, Bogie how are you doing?


Bogie: Well Hey Opie! Just fine, well not really, I’m feeling a little poorly. My glucose levels are kind of crazy right now and I have my ups and my downs. I wanted to thank you for loaning me the boys for a few days. That made me feel real good. You’re a true friend buddy.



Bogie in repose


Opie: Uh, er, of course well feel free… ah…. Anytime Bogie!



Me hanging my head in shame


Bogie: I’ve been meaning to ask you, Opie… where did you get your name?

Opie: Oh, I’m named after some kid on a TV show — Opie Taylor.


Bogie: Small world. I’m named after some famous actor — Humphrey Bogart. They used to call him Bogie. Of course, I have to be honest, sometimes my name gets changed. My Daddy will sometimes call me Booger!



Me laughing


Opie: That’s pretty funny!


Bogie: Yeah, It’s funny for about 5 minutes and then it’s old. Humans, I tell you! The silliest stuff makes them laugh. What’s funny to me is that they think that we’re their pets. I think it’s the other way around. Afterall, I don’t pick up their human patties, but they pick up my doggy patties.


Opie: Ha! You got that right! You don’t see me picking up my hu-brothers poop. WORD!


Bogie: Your Mama took some nice pictures of me. I like the picture taking, but my mama decided I needed my hair brushed. That was not fun.



Bogie after his ears were brushed!
Aren’t they fluffy?

Opie: Dude, tell me about it. I head for the hills when I see that grooming brush comes out. Do you have one of those sharp needley ones?



Me heading for the hills!


Bogie: Oh dog, yes Mama tries to be gentle, but I’d rather do anything than endure the hair pulling.


Opie: Why can’t they leave us alone? Why do we have to be clean?


Bogie: I know what you mean… Some gardeners came by the house the other day, and they brought all this nice smelly mulch. There it was a HUGE pile of it… It was so…. Fragrant!


Opie: Tell me more… don’t leave me hangin’ bro


Bogie: Well, I was all set to leap right into the middle of it and roll around and just luxuriate in that soft great smelling stuff and…


Opie: What happened, what happened?



Bogie: I leaped right dead in the middle of it and commenced to rolling and rubbing my back and head into the danged whole thing. It was wonderful. I pushed myself real deep into it so I could get the full effect. It was great! That there mulch was doggie ambrosia!


Opie: Oh that sounds totally awesome!…I wish I could have been there.


Bogie: There was enough for 3 or 4 dogs to have a fine old time! Unfortunately, the grooming van lady showed up pretty soon afterward and I lost all my beautiful smell. Dad Burn it!


Opie: Oh Infamous!


Bogie: You said a mouthful partner! I got washed brushed, clipped and snipped. I hate vans almost as much as I hate the mail carrier.


Opie: I know what you mean dude! Now, I hear you’ve been feeling under the weather. What’s up with that?


Bogie: Well, I am a diabetic. This means that my body does not process something called glucose well. If the levels are too low or too high then I feel kind of rotten. I don’t want to do anything but lie around, and I feel so tired I don’t want to chew a hedgehog. Worse — I have to have insulin shots every day and worse yet Mama or the vet has to stick me with sharp lancets to test my blood all the time. I really hate that. My Mama would love for someone to tell her a better way to test my blood than scraping it out of my ear. We are both kind of squeamish about that. Lately, I’ve had some trouble keeping my glucose levels right. My vet’s doing his darndest to help me out. My Mama says he’s the best, and he is a nice guy. I’d like him a dang site better without any sharp objects.



Bogie, he’s a little tuckered out.


Opie: This the same guy who recommended that I stay in my collar for 30 days?


Bogie: Well, yes. Sorry about that. If I’d been in the room, I’d a nipped him. Doggy brotherhood and all that! I’m sure he meant well though. He’s a pretty nice guy… for a vet. They’ve got treats at his clinic and they feed me when I’m getting my sugar tested. He can’t be all bad, right?


Opie: I reserve judgment. He is sticking you with needles and he made me wear this collar. He’s not batting a thousand with me, but if you like him I guess he’s okay. I sure hope you start to feel better soon. I’d love to come down to Texas and play some bitey face.


Bogie: Thanks for your warm wishes partner. There’s nothing better than a good game of bitey face. I play chase with my friend Coco the bagle ( Basset/Beagle) By the way, how’s your histio thingie?


Opie: Well, I’ve still got it, but it’s a lot smaller. I’m still in the collar of horror! But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My mama takes it off every once and a while to see if I can leave my thingie alone. To my shame I’ve failed the test every time. It really doesn’t itch, but I really want to lick it anyway. She won’t let me put my tongue anywhere near it. The collar is starting to look at little worse for wear too. There’s a little hole in it near the Velcro.



Me still in the collar of horror


Bogie: Well I’m guessin’ that eventually, that thing will just bust. Take it from me old son – you need to keep your tongue off your histio thingie WHEN SHE’S LOOKIN’!!! Try and hold off till she leaves the room or somethin’ Use you doggy brain, partner. Humans can’t hear or smell as well as we can. And even I’m a dang site faster than my Mama. You can hightail it under the bed and have a fine old time if you play your cards right!



Opie: Good advice Bogie. Bogie….


Bogie: Yeah?


Opie: I have to admit something to you. .. I was a little jealous of you being a guest blogger and spending time with my Mama and boys in Texas. I was all prepared to snarl at you a little, but dude even over the phone you smell like a righteous dog to me. I apologize for my feelings of ill will.



Bogie: Think nothin’ of it partner. You’re a young dog yet and a rescue to boot, just like me.


I understand how it is.


We love our humans so much that sometimes we don’t want to share’ em with anybody. But you’re learning that those big lovin’ humans got room in their hearts for lots of dogs even if their houses and wallets don’t. The whole reason that we have’em is cuz they got hearts as big as Texas.


And Partner, that’s mighty big.


I can see that you are a worthy canine my friend.


I won’t hold it against you.


Opie: Dude, you rock!


Bogie: Yeah, well so do you Opie! Well, I hear the dinner gong in the kitchen. I think Mama has an egg for me tonight as well as my duck! Gotta scoot! I’ll talk to you again partner.



Opie: Nice talking to you, Bogie. Enjoy your dinner!


Egg? Duck?…mmmmm!



As you can see, Bogie is a Righteous Dawg!


Hopefully, we’re being seeing and hearing a bit more from him.


Your Pals,


Bogie and Opie





Snorkie Report: Aid to Tornado Victims — Human and Animal

In the spirit of “pulling together” let’s tackle the problems of our four legged Tornado victims.

Keep reading! Click on links and go directly to the Red Cross Website to make a donation for disaster relief. If you are near the affected area, some of these links will lead you to specific lists of items that you can bring or send to the various shelters that are trying to help the devastated areas.

This is a reprint of an article that appeared at http://disaster-emergency-preparedness.com/

On April 29th

How To Help Animals of Alabama Tornado

ALABAMA (ANIMAL RESCUE) – Between Japan’s earthquake and tsunami and now the Southern state tornadoes, Mother Nature has been on a carnage bender the past couple of months. But as they say, it’s not what happens to us, but how we respond that’s important. Global Animal Foundation is collecting donations on behalf of vetted rescue groups on the ground working to shelter, feed, rehabilitate and reunite pets with their guardians.

The Greater Birmingham Humane Society
Animals Lost & Found from the Tornadoes in Alabama on 4/27/11

We hope that Global Animals the world over will consider responding to the animals in need in the US after this most recent disaster with the heartfelt support shown to Japan’s lost and injured animals. Below are links to several resources and ways to help.  – Arthur Jeon, Global Animal

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — After the deadly storms that ripped through Alabama and the rest of the deep south on Wednesday, both people and pets are trying to recover and get their bearings.

The barrage of storms battered the region, wreaking havoc and razing buildings down to the slab, killing at least 291 people across six states. Most of the deaths, 204, were in Alabama, with Tuscaloosa bearing the brunt.

Thousands more have been injured, and untold more have been left homeless, hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through jumbled piles of wood  to find anything salvageable. Across nine state there are power outages and thousands of homeless people staying in Red Cross shelters.

Animals have suffered as much as the people. A Facebook page
set up to reunite lost animals with their owners is up:

The site, titled Animals Lost & Found from the Tornadoes in Alabama on 4/27/11, was set up by a group of Alabama pet rescuers. It’s acting as a central location for people who have lost or found animals or who want to volunteer to foster displaced animals. There was also information about veterinarians providing free services in storm-damaged areas. The Greater Birmingham Humane Society has also been listing lost pets on its website and has tips for how to best search for a lost pet.

source: http://www.globalanimal.org/2011/04/29/tornados-devastate-people-pets-alike-donate/38499/

Donate Now To Assist Pets Affected By 4/27 Tornadoes

  The Greater Birmingham Humane Society has a great website that has concrete good information for how to help those in this disaster.


Snorkie Report: Rattle Snakes in My Town? OMD!

A Snorkie Public Service Announcement

Hi all,

Opie here,

Mama was reading an article in the local Culver City newspaper. She’d give you the link, but for some reason this article is not online at their website. The article is about rattlesnakes. Evidently, here in Southern California, we are entering a danger zone regarding these snakes. We are about to enter rattle snake season. I’ve never seen a rattlesnake, but Mama has. She grew up in Texas. She’s seen a lot of scary snakes — Water Moccasins, Rattlers, as well as Copperheads. Lori Fusaro, the author of the article states that “300,000 dogs and cats are bitten by venomous snakes every year.”
Yikes, that’s enough for Mama and me to take notice.

We live in the city, but weirdly, Culver City is very creature filled. We have opossums, raccoons, foxes and the occasional coyote in and around our town. Culver City is also home to several feral cat colonies as well.

I know there are at least two on my street. I have a hard time keeping them out of our yard. Mama says before I came she was usually good for can of tuna for the little grey tabby, who has had about two litters that my mom knows about. Mom is allergic to cats so she keeps her distance. Mrs. W. down the street feeds a big white and brown tom. Bottom line — we have a lot of critters. It stands to reason we have rattlesnakes as well.

Just above the dog park, my beloved Boneyard, the people park is full of hiking trails. It’s very woodsy and isolated up there. Mama says people hike and run up there all the time. It’s a perfect place for rattlesnakes to live because it is quiet and uninhabited – a true mini wilderness with plenty of game and peace and quiet. We won’t even mention our L.A. friends who live in the canyons. They definitely have snakes! L.A. is kind of weird. It’s dry and lush at the same time. Nice quiet hot dry spots for snakes and nice shady nooks for other types of critters too.

Mama’s not a hiker, but she has lots of athletic friends who like to hike and bring their doggies too. Lori Fusaro’s article in the Culver City News was an eye opener.

Here are the key facts from her article. (This would be so much easier with a link! Sigh!)

  1. Rattlers come out of hibernation in the Spring when they first emerge from hibernation and in the late summer. (Okay, clearly entering that period)
  2. Rattlers are active at dusk. Think about the time you and your doggy go hiking!
  3. If your dog gets bitten, take him immediately to the vet (Horn honking crazy time here. If you have a siren – USE IT!)
    1. Carry your dog because the venom effects them quickly.
    2. Smaller dogs are effected even more quickly. (Gulp!)
  4. Do not try to suck out the venom. (Don’t try it on humans either – stupid westerns!)
  5. Don’t put ice on the wound.
  6. Soap and water are good to clean the wound with.

If your Mama or Daddy is a big hiker, you all may need some special dog training classes on how to avoid getting bitten. There are trainers that specialize in this. (Think of this as an opportunity for MORE TREATS!) Lori didn’t have any specific recommendations.

Oh and here’s good news and bad news – Good news –– there’s a vaccination that dogs can get that can lessen the effect of a snake bite. Bad news – yes another &%$@ shot. However, I think I’d rather have a shot than be bitten by this loud viper.

So all you guys be careful out there! Mama and I will stick to the city sidewalks and the dog park, but you nature  freaks lovin’ types take heed. Be careful!

Many thanks to Lori Fusaro, author of “Rattlesnake Season is Coiled to Spring,” Culver City News, 4/21/2011, page 11

Another good source of info is PetEducation.com.

Your Pal,


Wordless Wednesday – Disaster in Japan is Ongoing

Media categorizes stories as “post” disaster, but

It looks like it’s still going on to me.

He’s lost his whole world. Please keep helping

Now, the worry is that frightened pet owners have abandoned their pets in radiation contaminated areas.

Read the whole article at the L.A Times.

I’m Back — Snorkie Snorkie– Fire department focuses on saving pets



Hi All,

First of all, I’m back! You may not have known this, but I’ve been in the doggy boarding for FIVE nights!  Mom and Dad and the boys went off to San Francisco. Mama checked on me on the webcam every day, but I didn’t know it.  I had fun, but I’m tired and I’m awfully glad to be back home. Mom says there were lots of dogs in San Francisco and they missed me terribly — Mom and Dad and the boys, those S.F. dogs don’t even know me.

Anyway, I’m home now.  Dad found this great article in the L.A. Times. I think it’s just great. What do you think?

Here is my first Snorkie Report since I’ve been back! Enjoy!  Click on the article link for the whole article. Find out why this funny doohinkie is on that stuffed cat in the picture.

Fire department focuses on saving pets.

Japanese Aid – Time for the Internet Twilight Bark!

Paws for Japan

Remember 101 Dalmatians. In that classic film, Pongo and Perdita use the Twilight Bark to get help from all the dogs they can to find their stolen puppies.

It’s time for us to use our Internet Twilight Bark to aid a global effort to help the people and pets of Japan. There is just too much devastation to be addressed. We all need to pitch in so that we can make a difference. Blog Paws/Be the Change for Pets
has organized Paws for Japan for Japan to promote Word Vets. World Vets is ( a IRC 501©(3) organization) that is coordinating relief efforts to help Japan. Today is the day that we pet bloggers blog about this. Opie and I are late in the day, but our hearts are with this. The idea is to blog, tweet, and share and spread the word by spreading awareness. Tell everyone about this effort. Donate what you can to any of these organizations. This essentially an Internet Twilight Bark. Instead of animated fictional dogs, we are trying to help real flesh animals that are suffering an unimaginable devastation. Remember – “There but for the Grace of God, go I”

Opie sends his Valentines Greetings!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Have a wonderful Day


I wish love and blessings to

All my Human and Furry Buddies!

Remember to support an Animal Rescue or Shelter Today!


Knights in blue jeans, Angels without wings, Fairy Godmothers from Burger King

Just when you think that your neighbor is a troll,  a living breathing troll in disguise, you discover that the neighborhood is populated with all sorts of good creatures too.

This morning I had an adventure — me — Opie’s mom.

I took Opie in the car with us to school. I had just dropped off the boys and picked up a sausage sandwich and coffee from the local fast food place. I turned out of the strip mall parking lot. My window was down and my music was low or would never have heard him. 

I saw a big reddish-brown dog running flat-out down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. This was Jefferson Boulevard. It is a 4 lane divided street. It has a landscaped center median and room for parking on both sides of the divided street. It is a main artery that runs through Los Angeles, Playa Del Rey and Culver City. It is an extremely busy street all the time, and it was 8:15 AM.

Heavy traffic (from on high)

This is kind of what the intersection looked like, but this is a more generic look.


“Come back , you stupid dog.” The man yelled.

A man was running flat-out as fast has he could down the sidewalk. He was running after his dog.  The dog was moving fast. I was already in the street when the dog left the safety of the sidewalk and crossed the median. He was heading for the intersection of Jefferson and  Overland; Overland is  equally heavy in the morning. 

black lab running

The dog I saw was reddish brown, but he was making tracks like this one.


“Oh God..please” The man yelled. I could hear the break in his voice, and I could feel my eyes welling up with tears.

 I slowed to a crawl. So did the lady in the Camry beside me.  The dog was up ahead at the median, next to the left turn lane. A man in a convertible Mercedes was stopped half way in the lane. He opened his car door to coax the dog in.   We were all stopped. Traffic piled up behind us.  The dog was startled and ran to the other side of the median into the street. He was right in  front of my car for a millisecond and then he high tailed it into the into the other strip mall on the corner.  The dog owner was out of breath, his face red and grim.  He slowed his run to a walk and followed the dog to the big strip mall parking lot.  He looked a little hopeless to me. He’d run flat about for at least two blocks.  Breathing hard, sweat running down his face on this cold morning,  he stopped briefly and bent a little at the waist to catch his breath then he continued on.

This is Raintree Shopping plaza. It has a  big supermarket, a Denny’s and lots of parking. It’s not too full, not too busy. I have to turn right to go home. My heart is beating fast. I don’t want the dog to be hurt. I don’t want to start my morning this way. I don’t want to see a tragedy.  I turn right and then right again into the shopping mall. I must help this man. I can’t do much. Opie’s in the car. He might bark and make things worse, but I am compelled to see what’s going on.  People are going and coming, getting in and out of their cars.  I stop a man who is observing something.

“Has the man found his dog yet?” I ask.

“No, they’re over there!”  He responds.  Sure enough, the man and two other men who have joined him are trying to get the dog. He’s just not coming to his name. 

Suddenly, I remember that I’ve got a sausage sandwich in the car.

I parked the car. I forgot to turn it off. And I call over to the  dog owner.  I give him my sausage sandwich.  Maybe he can be lured with food.

I step back to my car. I roll the windows up. Opie’s been silent the whole time. It’s like he knows that it’s not a good time to bark at another dog, that something important is happening.  The dog is surrounded by potential death. This is an extremely busy intersection. People are going to school, to work, to run errands. They are on cell phones. They don’t pay attention.   I don’t even walk this far with Opie on leash. It’s too possible for both of us to be hit by a car losing control. It’s a bad intersection for pedestrians — two and four-legged.

After a few minutes, the dog comes closer to his owner. He goes behind a parked truck. A lady gets out of the truck. I can see she’s kneeling.  I see the man approach.

 And finally, he’s got the dog by the collar.

I can’t tell you how relieved I am. It wasn’t my dog. Opie was safely locked up in the car with me. He was belted in with his special doggy seat belt. His leash was tied to my armrest and the windows in the back of the van were up. He was not getting out. He was safe.

I cried a little on the way home. I’m crying a little now.  Nerves, but also realization of how great everybody was, including me! 

 A team of people appeared to help this man.  All of the drivers who stopped, the driver who tried to get the dog to come into the car, the two men  in work jeans who helped the other man in the parking lot, the lady who knelt down to the dog and me. I gave the dog my breakfast.

I had a bad week. Two people said mean things to me on the street for no reason.  I was shortening Opie’s walks so that I could avoid these mean people. Now I feel better.  I saw more angels, and knights and fairy god mothers today than the two witches I dealt with this week.

So we’ll start our Halloween off well and think of the good spirits that inhabit the night, because there are Knights in blue jeans, Angels without wings and Fairy Godmothers from Burger King that live in our neighborhood.

Have a safe and wonderful Halloween everyone!

Knight in shining armor

Imagine this Knight with workboots and blue jeans instead of shinining armor.


Fairy Godmother

Imagine this fairy godmother has a sausage sandwich in her pocket.


Victorian time German diecut angels

Imagine that this is the lady in the truck -- an angel without wings.