I’d like to Thank Paw Print City Times and the Academy for….

Opie and I would like to thank Paw Print City Times for this wonderful award Stylish Blogger Award.

We just started blogging in July of 2010 and it’s really been fun. We’ve both learned a lot and we’ve both had a blast doing the blog! It makes us both pretty happy to meet so many people and doggies who are on the same page with us.

Writing this blog has been like a VIRTUAL PLAYDATE! I originally started blogging just to deal with the overwhelming excitement our family experienced with our little Opie. Blogging has become much more than just that. I never expected to learn so much over the past months and have so much fun. Opie’s had some fun as well. He may not like his most personal moments exposed to the world, but well those are the breaks. LOL!

In the spirit of the award we are supposed to share seven things about ourselves and then nominate 15 wonderful blogs for this great award. First of all, we found way more than 15 blogs to give this award to. There are so many excellent bloggers out there. If I put down all the blogs that I wanted to, the list would look like the Saturday Blog Hop! I have to say that the quality of all the pet bloggers I’ve visited over the months has been exceptional.

Okay, so here are the seven random things about me and Opie that you might not know.

  1. My favorite color is blue. I don’t know what Opie’s favorite color is, but I always try to get him things that go great with his lovely white silky fur. He can wear pretty much anything.
  2. I have a secret desire to be a Romance Writer, but I only have about 10 pages worth of attention span and then I get bored. So, I’m long winded for a blogger, but lack the endurance of a hardcore novelist. My hope is that regular blogging will work my writing muscles hard for the marathon of writing a novel.
  3. Opie as most of you know is a Snorkie – schnauzer+ Yorkshire terrier. However, he seems to have a rather big dog attitude about himself as well as a very deep “masculine” bark. He sounds bigger than he is. I’m beginning to wonder if he’s just those two dog breeds.
  4. Opie loves walks, but he pulls like a crazy dog on the walk with me. We are working on it, but it’s been slow going. The problem must be  me because he doesn’t pull with his Dad at all. Rotten little mutley! Taking advantage of Mama like that. Shame!
  5. We are a rock and roll family, and Opie must necessarily be a rock and roll dog. He likes to sit under my sons’ feet while they are practicing their electric guitars. And yes, their amps are on! He seems to really like Michael’s rendition of Hotel California and the metal head Snorkie is a hard core Nirvana fan as well. He doesn’t howl. He just sits and listens and occasionally drops off to sleep. I’m thinking about getting him a little rock and roll t-shirt with a guitar on it. Luckily, he has not chewed on anyone’s guitar. He has a healthy sense of self preservation!
  6. Opie is a much desired dog. My kids earned him. They had to demonstrate responsibility toward several other pets before being even allowed to think about getting a dog. Opie’s precursors were several freshwater fish that  lived out their normal fishy life spans until some rotten aquarium store contaminated our tank with a ridiculous number of snails. I hate snails. Then, a hamster named Max — Much beloved. He escaped his cage twice. I found him both times. The first time he managed to get out of the house  I caught him in the backyard flower bed before the feral cats got to him. The second time he nearly gave me a heartattack because he decided to crawl into my bed while we were sleeping. He’s really lucky he didn’t get swatted to kingdom come. The boys kept their room and the living room clean and straight for 6 solid months. Then, we started trawling for rescued dogs that were hypoallergenic. Yes, Opie’s Mom is allergic to dogs and cats.
  7. My fantasy is to have a larger house so that I can have at least one more dog friend for Opie. I know he gets lonely, but our house is just too small. I’d like a little dog about the same size as Opie so that they will be on an even footing and good buddies. Maybe with more space we could foster a dog as well. I keep buying lottery tickets! So wish me luck!


Now here are the blogs Opie and I are giving the award to.

Like my predecessor, we will probably be naming some blogs that have already won the award previously, but we also hope you’ll see some blogs you haven’t seen before. Please take the opportunity to visit them, especially the ones that are new to you. All of the blogs  listed are both beautiful in form and content. We know you are going to enjoy them. They are stylish not only in format and design, but also in their content. They have wonderful substantive content on a regular basis. They are all a delight.

There is no particular order – alphabetical or otherwise, just how they come to my mind.

  1. I am Santa a Miniature Schnauzer
  2. Will My Dog Hate Me
  3. Paw Prints on my Heart
  4. Dobermans by the sea
  5. Maggie Mae
  6. From Sophie’s View
  7. Tanks Two Cents
  8. Park Avenue Chihuahua
  9. Stella: A blog about a Schnoodle
  10. According to Gus
  11. The Clampets
  12. Brown Dog CBR
  13. Schnauzer and Schnauzer
  14. The ( mis) Adventures of Sage

These are all wonderful blogs. I hope you’ll take the opportunity to visit them.

Once again, Opie and I say thank you to Paw Print City!




About Opie and Opie's Mom

Snorkie with attitude. My mom writes about me and sometimes she lets me write something too. I was rescued July 11, 2010! I am so happy! I love my family and I hate squirrels. I don't know any cats but the neighborhood cats are fun to bark at. Read Opie's Mom's Blog to find out more about me. View all posts by Opie and Opie's Mom

11 responses to “I’d like to Thank Paw Print City Times and the Academy for….

  • Santa, Minnie and Christmas

    Thank you for awarding us this Stylish Blogger Award, we are so honoured. With your seven things, we got to know a little bit more about you, thanks for sharing.

  • Hawk aka BrownDog

    Thank y’all so much for my Award. I am truly awed and overwhelmed! Stay tuned for my deepest secrets 😉

    Opie is a favorite Blog Playmate.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  • Simone

    Thanks for visiting me today and your nice comment. Congrats on the award.

  • According to Gus

    First off, congrats to you and Opie on your award! I’ve had so much reading your blog and hearing more about Opie’s adventures. He definitely needs some sort of rock ‘n roll tee…or a hoodie. He’d be adorable in a hoodie!

    Thanks so much for passing the award on to our blog. We’re honored!

  • sagechronicles

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this award! I think I’m going to finally get my act together and blog about it! I think you were my first subscription also And we’re still going strong and enjoying every minute of it!!

  • sophie...^5

    Thank you so much for considering my little dog blog for an award. You are just too kind. Sophie, of course, is doing “flips” over it. She gets all wound up and then spins uncontrollably when some kind of recognition falls her way. SO, she thanks you with snuggles and huggles!

  • Edie

    Thank you so much for this! Frankie and I are honored. In fact, I’m certain that it is Frankie’s cute mug — and his antics — that are responsible for any recognition Will My Dog Hate Me gets. But he relies on me to transmit the data. And come to think of it, since the computer does not smell like food Frankie probably is less interested in the award than I, his humble servant, am.

    I am appreciative enough for both of us.

    And I love your description of Opie’s background — including his hamster precursor — and his love for rock and roll. What a charming hipster!

  • Park Avenue Chihuahua

    Hi! Thank you so much for the award. I am very honored! I love your blog. Opie couldn’t be any cuter if he tried. 🙂

    We have a few Rock-N-Roll doggies in our house too. My husband plays guitar and they rock out!

    Again, thanks for the award. That was so sweet of you and Opie!

    ~ Tina
    Park Avenue Chihuahua

  • Maggie Mae

    OoH dis is very nice! Tank yous fur givin’ dis awards to me too!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  • Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe

    We love your idea of having your kids prove their responsibility in order to get a dog! We think a lot of people just randomly get pets for their kids, without thinking of how it will effect them. We know one family in particular who would get their kids any pets they asked for… and then the pets usually died after the kids didn’t take care of them, or if they were bigger pets like dogs, got taken to the pound. That makes us so sad, so we are glad there are people like you who really show their kids that a pet is a big commitment! 🙂

  • Erin

    Opie has good taste in music! I ❤ Hotel Cali 🙂


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