Daily Archives: May 1, 2011

Snorkie Report: Aid to Tornado Victims — Human and Animal

In the spirit of “pulling together” let’s tackle the problems of our four legged Tornado victims.

Keep reading! Click on links and go directly to the Red Cross Website to make a donation for disaster relief. If you are near the affected area, some of these links will lead you to specific lists of items that you can bring or send to the various shelters that are trying to help the devastated areas.

This is a reprint of an article that appeared at http://disaster-emergency-preparedness.com/

On April 29th

How To Help Animals of Alabama Tornado

ALABAMA (ANIMAL RESCUE) – Between Japan’s earthquake and tsunami and now the Southern state tornadoes, Mother Nature has been on a carnage bender the past couple of months. But as they say, it’s not what happens to us, but how we respond that’s important. Global Animal Foundation is collecting donations on behalf of vetted rescue groups on the ground working to shelter, feed, rehabilitate and reunite pets with their guardians.

The Greater Birmingham Humane Society
Animals Lost & Found from the Tornadoes in Alabama on 4/27/11

We hope that Global Animals the world over will consider responding to the animals in need in the US after this most recent disaster with the heartfelt support shown to Japan’s lost and injured animals. Below are links to several resources and ways to help.  – Arthur Jeon, Global Animal

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — After the deadly storms that ripped through Alabama and the rest of the deep south on Wednesday, both people and pets are trying to recover and get their bearings.

The barrage of storms battered the region, wreaking havoc and razing buildings down to the slab, killing at least 291 people across six states. Most of the deaths, 204, were in Alabama, with Tuscaloosa bearing the brunt.

Thousands more have been injured, and untold more have been left homeless, hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through jumbled piles of wood  to find anything salvageable. Across nine state there are power outages and thousands of homeless people staying in Red Cross shelters.

Animals have suffered as much as the people. A Facebook page
set up to reunite lost animals with their owners is up:

The site, titled Animals Lost & Found from the Tornadoes in Alabama on 4/27/11, was set up by a group of Alabama pet rescuers. It’s acting as a central location for people who have lost or found animals or who want to volunteer to foster displaced animals. There was also information about veterinarians providing free services in storm-damaged areas. The Greater Birmingham Humane Society has also been listing lost pets on its website and has tips for how to best search for a lost pet.

source: http://www.globalanimal.org/2011/04/29/tornados-devastate-people-pets-alike-donate/38499/

Donate Now To Assist Pets Affected By 4/27 Tornadoes

  The Greater Birmingham Humane Society has a great website that has concrete good information for how to help those in this disaster.